The Yeager Family
Brian's Testimony
I grew up in a church and home with a faithful Christian heritage. I was very blessed and still am but neither my family nor church could get me to heaven. When I was a seven-year-old boy, I realized my need of a Saviour and called upon the Lord to forgive my sin. That day, I trusted in Christ alone by grace through faith, making me a child of God. Later on, as a twelve-year-old young man, I surrendered my life to the Lord to do His will with my life. Through years of prayers and submission to the Lord, He has worked in my life in a tremendous way. God has put a deep passion and burden on my heart for New Testament church planting. My wife and I attended Bible college together in Powell, Tennessee at The Crown College. In 2021, we graduated, and the same year were married. For the past three years we have been serving the Lord in Nolanville, Texas at the NorthSide Baptist Church and Academy under the leadership of Pastor Adam Garber. It has been during this time, through prayer and the leading of the Holy Spirit, God has called us to begin planting New Testament local churches in Central Texas.
Kaylea's Testimony
I am very thankful the Lord allowed me to grow up in church and a home that taught the truths of God's Word. As a young girl, I realized my need to be saved and made a profession of faith, but it was not until I was eighteen years old that trusting Christ became personal to me. At the age of thirteen, I surrendered my life to full-time Christian service. During my teenage years, I was able to go on multiple missions’ trips. It was during a trip to Belize that the Lord increased my burden to see the lost come to Christ. During my time in Texas, the Lord has strengthened my burden to see lives changed as we have been serving at NorthSide Baptist Church and Academy for the past three years.
